Monday, January 20, 2014

There are many, many different products to troubleshoot.
There are computers, which is the most common, smartphones can be troubleshot, ipads, Android tablets, and other smart devices.

  • In this Blog, I want to show you how to troubleshoot an smart phone, typically, Android. 
As there are very many ways to troubleshoot a smartphone, I will be including a link from that shows some simple, easy to do techniques to fix your smartphone or find out what is going on so you can take it to a professional to have it fixed. 

Here is also another link to a Android smartphone troubleshooting site which gives the symptoms and solutions on common problems

Stay tuned for more troubleshooting techniques and how to's on other devices.
If you want a specific technique or how to let me know and I will either write one or find on for you.