Saturday, February 15, 2014

iHave something very interesting to talk about in the troubleshooting world.

  • Its all about the Bus Topology. What is this you may ask? WELL, a Bus topology consists of a single cable called the Bus, that connects all nodes of a network without intervening connectivity devices.   Here is a diagram of how a basic Bus is set up : 


A problem with the bus topology is that it is very difficult to troubleshoot.

They are difficult to fix because it is a very big challenge to identify a fault location. Finding the error can prove to be very difficult. Once the cable is broken somewhere or a cable is loose it will bring the whole network down and it is hard to track this down.

That's all this week. 
All my information came from Pg. 199 and 200 in the Network+ Guide to Networks book (6th edition) by Tamara Dean.

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