Monday, April 21, 2014


My time in this ITN class is now coming to an end and so are my blogs, for now. 

Thanks for anyone who stuck around and those who have learned anything!

This is my last blog and in this one I will be discussing troubleshooting something I have always loved and that is SOUND.

Yes, it may not seem like a big thing but without sound, how will you hear your favorite video or hear music when doing homework. Well on this final week I found a link on about what to do with different scenarios on why your sound doesn't work. Here is the link and I will catch you guys another time. Enjoy and stay safe. 

Troubleshooting sound problems  (Just click the problems and you will get solutions)  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Something interesting this week? Maybe if you are into Wi-Fi

This week I will be posting some steps to troubleshoot a Wi-Fi connection. 

(For anyone new in the computer world, Wi-Fi, is very important to life, get it together)

Wi-Fi is what connects us to the internet via smartphone, tablet and laptops, some devices use a cell phone like signal, yes but mostly, people use Wi-Fi.

And sometimes a wireless connection can go on strike and not work like you want it to that is when you will need some troubleshooting techniques to fix this problem.

Here is a guide to help anyone with common problems that can be easy, this site uses windows, so if you are using iOS you can easily find another guide. But here you go and have a good week!

I have been away for a little while!!

Sorry for being so late, but for this week I will be bringing up something not so computer related, in a way, kinda.


I want to talk about troubleshooting a cars computer! Yes, cars do have computers and sometimes things can go haywire.

 A cars computer controls almost everything and when something such as a code reading comes across and it is not good, it needs to be fixed right way! Just like a computer when you receive an error message, you car can receive an error message and make something not work in your car. Luckily auto shops have tools such as a OBDII port scanner, which basically tells you the codes of what si wrong with your car and then you have the item fixed or looked at. So regularly have your computer checked out to make sure everything is in tip top shake and to insure extreme life of your car!

I do not have a step by step guide to this troubleshooting because every car is different and has its own different problems!

Have a good day and REMEMBER! Get your car looked at regularly.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

First post in the Spring! Been a long winter!

This week in the troubleshooting world I will be discussing how to troubleshoot a computers hard drive.

A hard drive is one of the most important pieces in a computer, almost everything you have on your PC is saved or stored here so what do you do when something is going wrong and you don't want to lose anything valuable!

Well, like always, I stumbled across a VERY good approach on how to fix a hard drive.

Here is the website if you would like to visit it but I will post the steps here, the website is a very good site to few other things too! So explore, have fun and be careful! 

  1. Physical connectivity—Is the drive receiving power? Is it plugged into the PC by a correctly connected ribbon cable? For IDE drives, are its jumpers set correctly? Or with SCSI drives, are its SCSI termination and ID set correctly?
  2. BIOS setup—Does the BIOS see the drive?
  3. Viruses—Does the drive contain any boot sector viruses I need to remove before continuing?
  4. Partitioning—Does FDISK find a valid partition on the drive? Is it active?
  5. Formatting—Is the drive formatted using a file system that the OS can recognize?
  6. Drive errors—Is a physical or logical drive error causing read/write problems on the drive?
  7. Operating system—Does your OS have a feature that checks the status of each drive on your system? If so, what is that status?