Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I have been away for a little while!!

Sorry for being so late, but for this week I will be bringing up something not so computer related, in a way, kinda.


I want to talk about troubleshooting a cars computer! Yes, cars do have computers and sometimes things can go haywire.

 A cars computer controls almost everything and when something such as a code reading comes across and it is not good, it needs to be fixed right way! Just like a computer when you receive an error message, you car can receive an error message and make something not work in your car. Luckily auto shops have tools such as a OBDII port scanner, which basically tells you the codes of what si wrong with your car and then you have the item fixed or looked at. So regularly have your computer checked out to make sure everything is in tip top shake and to insure extreme life of your car!

I do not have a step by step guide to this troubleshooting because every car is different and has its own different problems!

Have a good day and REMEMBER! Get your car looked at regularly.

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