Monday, February 24, 2014

Back again with some informative troubleshooting stuff!

Ever had a problem with your printer? Something people overlook is you may have to troubleshoot a printer at sometime.

Troubleshooting a printer could consist of anything for example:
  • replacing the paper(because it will not print without paper)
  • removing jammed paper(Jammed up paper will not allow the printer to do its job
  • replacing the ink(without ink you will have nothing on your paper)
 But some things are not that easy to do like the above tasks, here is a link that will take you to 10 of the most common or known problems with printers and it will also show you how to resolve the problem. 

Happy Troubleshooting!! 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

iHave something very interesting to talk about in the troubleshooting world.

  • Its all about the Bus Topology. What is this you may ask? WELL, a Bus topology consists of a single cable called the Bus, that connects all nodes of a network without intervening connectivity devices.   Here is a diagram of how a basic Bus is set up : 


A problem with the bus topology is that it is very difficult to troubleshoot.

They are difficult to fix because it is a very big challenge to identify a fault location. Finding the error can prove to be very difficult. Once the cable is broken somewhere or a cable is loose it will bring the whole network down and it is hard to track this down.

That's all this week. 
All my information came from Pg. 199 and 200 in the Network+ Guide to Networks book (6th edition) by Tamara Dean.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

In this week's blog I will be talking about what COULD happen if your devices are not fixed ASAP

So what could happen?

Actually a lot could happen. Anything from the device going slow or as bad as a virus attack your information such a photo, music, and anything personal on your computer!
Theses guys are BAD and they are something you never want.

If you click on this link it will tell you what a computer virus is and what it does.

Purchase anti-virus and watch what you click on. 

Next week is looking good, tune it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So why would someone need to troubleshoot a device??

Troubleshooting is the best way to keep your devices running smoothly and operating at the optimized performance. Weather your device is having a problem or simply running slow, a form of troubleshooting will be used to fix the problem. Troubleshooting also will help narrow the problem to something specific rather than having to deal with 1,2,3, or even more problem at one time. If you are ever experiencing a problem with your device you can either get it fixed or fix it yourself! Here is a link a recent blog by, me, and it provides a link to some simple troubleshooting techniques, very helpful. 

Happy Troubleshooting!!
More to come next week.
As in my other blog last week I mentioned you could pay someone to fix your device or ix it yourself.
Here is the link to last week's link :

Paying someone to do something so simple can be very expensive.

Some places such as Best Buy, who have people from Geek Squad will charge by the hour to have your device looked at and if it is able to be fixed it costs $200-$250+ and then you might have to take it to someone else and pay more. 

But luckily a problem might be so simple that just a simple online check could tell you what to do and how to do it which in turns saves you money and gets your computer back tor running better.

Tune back in next week.
This is my first blog for my ITN 155 class. My name is Seth and I am an IT student learning how to network and troubleshoot. 
Not really sure what else to write in here but stay tuned for more troubleshooting and networking technologies.

What is troubleshooting?
            Troubleshooting is taking some various steps to finding out what is wrong with a computer. By troubleshooting it helps solve why a computer is not connecting to a network, not turning on, or a device is not working properly.

Below, is a list of common problems with computers. This pictures states the problem, why is might have happened and the solution on how to fix it..